A running theme which I have encountered during my experiences of chamber music is the significance in the role of 'friends'. Due to the small-scale set up I imagine that the majority of people attending and preforming in chamber music groups were generally acquainted. The ensemble which I am looking into today is a prime example of the sociable nature of this musical genre.
Playing Schubert's Piano Trio in E flat D.929 are pianist Alasdair Beatson, violinist Alexander Janiczek and cellist Philip Higham who made the decision to perform together as good friends and regulars of the chamber scene. I imagine that they will have performed together many times and be very aware of the individual styles which merge to produce an exceptional trio with compatibility and mutual understanding. From an outsider perspective I cannot imagine that such complex and intricate music could be performed by passive and disengaged parties. Group dynamics seem to be essential.
Upon listening to this I was initially struck by the focus of the piano. Yes, I am aware that the title is piano trio but the majority of the pieces which I have encountered so far have been centred around strings and wind instruments so I found this to be a nice change. This was an attractive, light piece which flowed beautifully. There was quite a quick pace, highlighting the dexterity of the pianist, again, this seems quite obvious as it is a piano based piece, nevertheless, it appealed to me as I hadn't come across anything similar. Towards the end the piece becomes choppier and more detached, with what seems to be more focus upon the stringed instruments. There is a liveliness throughout and I found the piano trio to be an upbeat and animated piece. I have leaned that this was one of the last pieces that Schubert wrote before his death so there is a lifetime of knowledge and experience behind the notes which are played.
Beatson was critically acclaimed as being "one of the best chamber music pianists in the business" by Herald critic, Michael Tumelty, following his performance as last years Cottier Chamber Project. This is one for the diary and should prompt further rave reviews for the 'band of friends'.
Beatson, Janiczek and Higham will perform at the Cottier's Theatre on the 3rd of May. You can purchase tickets here or from the Cottier Theatre Box Office.
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